and help us by making a donation to The Palmetto Opera.
Dear Friend of The Palmetto Opera,
For those who love classical music and the arts, The Palmetto Opera occupies a special place in our community and helps complete a scene of the city’s cultural assets. As our fundraising campaign continues in these difficult times, we wanted to remind you of the opportunity to give a charitable tax-free donation to The Palmetto Opera. If you have already donated, you have our sincere thanks. If you wish to donate, please send your donation check to PO Box 50462 Columbia, SC 29250 or if you would like to donate using a credit card, please visit our website at and click on donate. You may also donate securities. If they are transferred to The Palmetto Opera no capital gains taxes need be paid. Please call our Chair, Peter Barton, at 703-655-4896 for more information. As always, please provide us with your mailing and e-mail addresses so that we may send your charitable deduction letter at the end of the year.
We are also writing with a new Save the Date for our full production with orchestra of Giacomo Puccini’s La Bohème. It will now be performed Saturday, March 13, 2021 at The Koger Center for the Arts. This classic, tragic love story is cherished by opera lovers everywhere and is a wonderful introduction to opera for newcomers.
Again, we hope that you will consider a donation to help support and maintain a strong opera presence in Columbia’s vibrant cultural scene. Small or large, your donation will help make Columbia a wonderful place to live.
With sincere appreciation for your contribution,
We remain,
The Palmetto Opera